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Global Survey Highlights The Complexity Of Bipolar Disorder - New Tools Launched To Help Fight Stigma Associated With Mental Illness

Results from a new global survey on bipolar disorder, released today at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, indicate that both patients and healthcare professionals face significant challenges in managing bipolar disorder. At least 90% of patients surveyed reported that the illness is difficult to understand and to live with due to the episodic symptoms. Among physicians surveyed, more than half found it challenging to explain the nature of the bipolar disorder to their patients and in interpreting patients' description of symptoms.

The survey, which included responses from 2688 patients with bipolar disorder and 643 health professionals, also revealed that there are barriers to obtaining an accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Approximately 40% of patients and health professionals reported that it can take at take at least four years after the first onset of symptoms before bipolar disorder is diagnosed. Once the diagnosis is in place, 25% of patients surveyed reported trying at least nine different medications before they found a suitable one.

Professor Guy Goodwin, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, UK said: "This is the first global survey on bipolar disorder to compare the opinions of patients, carers and healthcare professionals. The survey has emphasised the complexity of diagnosing, managing and treating bipolar disorder, but it also shows that patients and doctors agree on how those issues can be tackled. We need to ensure early and accurate diagnosis, provide patients and families with clearer information and we have to work together to strengthen patient/doctor relationships."

In addition to finding areas where patients and healthcare professionals were in agreement, the survey revealed some disparities. For example, health professionals believe that 82% of their bipolar patients have a 'good' or 'better than good' quality of life, but only 56% of patients had a similar opinion. For patients, treatment side-effects had an important influence on quality of life, while physicians believed that patients are not sufficiently aware of the positive influence of non-treatment factors.

Carried out in Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, UK and the USA, the survey has also drawn attention to the extent of public ignorance about bipolar disorder, which can lead to discrimination and stigma. More than 80% of patients surveyed find it difficult to access the services they need in the community compared with those with other illnesses, and 90% suffer social isolation because of the stigma attached to the condition. In Spain, UK and USA over half of people who have bipolar disorder (and their carers), believe that the media is a major propagator of discrimination against those with mental illnesses.

The European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being published in June 20081 has emphasised that combating the stigma and social exclusion associated with mental health is a key public health priority. The pact invites policy makers and stakeholders to take action to help meet this need. International patient advocacy groups have launched two new tools: The Lexicon, an international media guide for mental health, and Learning about Bipolar Disorder, a new toolkit aimed at patients, families and healthcare professionals.

The Lexicon, launched today by a coalition of leading national and international patient advocacy groups, aims to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health issues by the media and to give the public a more balanced perspective. Written in collaboration with people with personal experience of mental illness, healthcare professionals and senior journalists, this practical tool presents definitions, facts and statistics of different mental health disorders, a dictionary of alternative words to those that may cause fear or distress, and case studies examining the different ways stories involving mental health have been reported.

John Saunders of Schizophrenia Ireland said: "The long-term goal of the Lexicon is to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. That stigma prevents people from seeking treatment, stops many from finding a job or even interacting socially. It becomes a barrier to recovery."

Providing accurate information and involving patients with bipolar disorder and their families in the management of the condition is also essential for the recovery process. Learning about Bipolar Disorder, an international mental health awareness and information packet launched today by the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) provides evidence-based information about bipolar disorder, including symptoms, treatment, and the impact of bipolar disorder on the lives of affected individuals and their families.

Patt Franciosi of the WFMH said: "People with bipolar disorder need to understand their condition fully so that they can make informed decisions about their treatment and care, and make a successful journey to recovery. We hope that this toolkit will provide that information not only to patients, but also to the families and friends of people who are affected."

About the Bipolar survey

The survey was carried out between March and July 2008. The two surveys aimed at either healthcare professionals or people with bipolar disorder, their carers or patient groups, gathered each groups opinions on similar topics, including what makes bipolar different from other mental/physical illnesses, quality of life as a result of treatment and care, doctor-patient relationships, getting a diagnosis, patients' expectations about their treatments, access to non-medical support, patient access to information, the public's views of bipolar disorder.

The survey was funded with an educational grant from AstraZeneca and supported by three of the largest patient advocacy groups - the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), the Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks (GAMIAN-Europe), and the European Family and Carer Federation (EUFAMI) - along with a global professional society - the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD). The survey also received support from the International Review of Bipolar Disorders (IRBD).

About the Lexicon

The Lexicon is available at and is supported by the following organisations: EUFAMI (The European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness), FCAMH (Finnish Central Association of Mental Health), FEAFES (La Confederacion Espanola de Agrupaciones de Familiares y Personas con Enfermedad Mental), GAMIAN-Europe (Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks), NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), Schizophrenia Ireland and WFMH (World Federation for Mental Health).

About the bipolar toolkit

Learning about Bipolar Disorder is available at and was produced by the WFMH. A special section of the toolkit contains additional easy-to-read material for healthcare workers on the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder. This guide includes information on the key signs of the disorder, and the most cost-effective treatments available.


European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being. Brussels, 12 - 13 June 2008. Available here.


Global Survey subliniazã complexitatea tulburarea bipolarã - noi instrumente lansat pentru a Fight Stigmatizarea asociatã cu boli psihice - Global Survey Highlights The Complexity Of Bipolar Disorder - New Tools Launched To Help Fight Stigma Associated With Mental Illness - articole medicale engleza - startsanatate